This year’s best meteor shower prepares to take center stage |
Debris from an obscure comet could light up the sky with 100 or more meteors per hour the night of May 23/24.

Astronomers expect the shower to peak sometime between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. EDT the morning of May 24 (11 p.m. to 1 a.m. PDT). This timing works perfectly for observers in the United States and southern Canada. For the best views, find an observing site far from city lights. Light pollution brightens the sky and washes out fainter meteors, lessening the shower’s impact.
The weather forecast for Lansing is dismal. Cloudy Friday and Saturday, thunderstorms predicted. Unless I want to take a long long drive somewhere, I won’t get a chance to see this new meteor shower.
Hope you have better luck in your neck of the woods!