Apollo and Venus

Apollo at the dog park
Terry teasing Apollo at the dog park

Soon after I returned home from work Tuesday evening, Terry suggested that we take Apollo to the dog park. I briefly thought of just taking Apollo for a walk around the neighborhood, but my legs kept shaking from the first workout I’d done in nearly a week. I capitulated and led Apollo out to the car on the long leather leash.  We arrived at the dog park a bit after seven o’clock.  We only saw four other dogs in the ‘large dogs’ side of the park.  As I took Apollo off his leash, he loped over to two dogs, one of which was leashed, to make some new friends.  Those two were on the way home, so that left only two other dogs to meet and greet.

A Waggin Tails Dog Park Sunset
A Waggin Tails Dog Park Sunset

We wondered around the back half of the park, strolling leisurely through the trees and watching the sun slowly sink in the west.  As we continued on towards the southwest corner of the park, I remembered an article I read recently that stated I should be able to see Venus during daylight hours this week.  I placed my right hand between my eyes and the sun and looked up away and to the left.  For the first few minutes, I could not see Venus.  But I kept trying and eventually, I found it, shining brightly more than thirty or forty degrees away from the sun, with the sun still about five degrees above the western horizon.  You can estimate degrees while observing astronomical objects by using the width of your fist from top to bottom held at arm’s length, which equals about 10 degrees.

I tried to take a photo of Venus and the setting sun with my cell phone camera, but upon review, I can’t find Venus in the shot I took.  I’m not entirely convinced I succeeded in getting both the planet and our sun in the same field of view.  My reading glasses were in my purse in the car, so I took a leap of faith and prayed I succeeded when I clicked the shutter (or whatever virtual equivalent my cell phone camera sports).  Here’s the photo, but I can’t find Venus in it:

Look for Venus later
Venus should have been in the upper left hand corner of this photo.

I tried to direct Terry to spotting Venus, but his prescription sunglasses were too dark and too out-of-date to be of much help.  I sent a Tweet from my phone as soon as I found Venus and spent the next few minutes enjoying the view.

We wondered back east along the fence and met up with the other two dogs.  A squirrel taunted them from a few feet away on the other side of the fence.  One of the dogs, some sort of hunting breed, kept barking at the squirrel, who ignored all the dogs.

WaterThe sun began setting and we herded Apollo towards the gate.  The dog park is only open from sunrise to sunset so our brief play time rapidly came to an end.  We made sure Apollo got a good drink of water before loading him back into the car and returning home.

Remembering Roxy: Dog Toy Extreme Destruction

Roxy and Dog Toy (Sun 21 Aug 2005)
Roxy and Dog Toy (Sun 21 Aug 2005)

Until we found the Tuffie Toys web site, the typical life expectancy of any dog toy we purchased at a regular retailer amounted to perhaps ten minutes.  Roxy had a particular fascination for brown hedgehogs.  She usually  managed to rip open the stuffing and find the squeaker within a few minutes of receiving the new toy from us.  The duck shown in the photo at right did not last much longer than the ravaged hedgehogs.

Since we were dog toys about as often as we bought dog treats (like rawhide chews, dog biscuits, Beggin’ Strips, etc.), Terry and I thought we should approach this problem from a different angle.  Eventually, we found the Mega Ring via some Googling and we bought one to try.

But first, let me give you some information on the Mega Series from Tuffie Toys so you can understand why we thought these dog toys would be the best fit for Roxy:

The Mega series toys are by far our toughest and most durable dog toys. These interactive dog toys are tough high quality pet toys that are lots of fun and will provide hours of play for you & your pet.

MEGA CONSTRUCTION: Seven Rows of Stitching. Each toy’s seven layers of material are sewn together with two rows of linear stitching and two rows of cross stitching. The four rows of stitching are protected with an industrial grade luggage material that is sewn 3 more times. Seven Layers of Material. Three layers of 600 Denier industrial grade material, three layers of plastic coating and finally one layer of soft fleece. All seven layers are rolled together and then sewn with a one inch cross pattern to prevent layer separation. Protective Webbing. Additional industrial grade luggage material is sewn around the outside edge with three rows of stitching to cover and protect the first four rows of stitching. Squeaker Safety Pockets. Each Squeaker is safe and quiet because they are sewn into a nylon safety pocket beneath seven layers of material.

When Terry and I found this site, the home page displayed a tiger playing with one of the Mega Rings.   Tuffie Toys proudly proclaimed their dog toys were tiger tested.  Currently, they display the Mega Rings gripped firmly in a Rottweiler’s jaws.  And I can confirm, these dog toys are nearly indestructible.  We still have the last two we bought, and they are at least three or four years old.  The only thing that has given out (eventually in all of the ones we bought) was the squeaker.

Apollo would tease Roxy to no end.  He would pick up one of the rings, sneak around behind her through the kitchen, and taunt her with it until she tore off after him.  They would play tug-of-war in the middle of the great room, loud enough that if Terry and I were watching television, we would mute and pause the show we were watching until they wore themselves out.  Apollo could only get the ring out of Roxy’s deathgrip if he cheated.  He would bit her ankles, hocks, neck, ears, anything he could to get her to release her jaws just long enough to snatch it up and run off with it.  Roxy would then chase after Apollo,  latch on to the ring again and give her shoulders a shake, easily twisting it from Apollo’s weaker jaws.  If Apollo really tried to pull it from her grip, Roxy would drop down on all fours and become so much dead determined stubborn Rottweiler weight and there was nothing Apollo could do at that point.  So he would let go and walk off (to a neutral corner).  Roxy would spend the next few minutes, cleaning her toy.

At other times, Apollo would simply lay on the ring, hiding it from Roxy.  The first few times he did this, we couldn’t figure out what had gotten into Roxy.  She would start circling Apollo, who lay innocently with his head cradled on his front paws.  Roxy would get more and more agitated, first whining then barking at Apollo.  Terry and I laughed when we figured out what Apollo was doing, but scolded him for being so sneaky.

Roxy with Hedgehog Toy (c. 2008)
Roxy with Hedgehog Toy (c. 2008)

Click here for a page of memories and photos dedicated to Roxy.

Disembodied Sun Rises on Holy Week Wednesday

Risen Sun Floating Before the Clouds
Sunrise, Wednesday, 04/04/2012

Strange optical illusion shortly after the sun rose today.  The sun appeared to float before the clouds on the eastern horizon (see photo above).  This next photo has slightly better colors:


This will be my last post until after Easter (except for the already scheduled ‘Remembering Roxy’ post which will magically appear early Friday morning).

I will leave you with a prayer for today, Wednesday of Holy Week (Year B):

Creator of the universe,
you made the world in beauty,
and restore all things in glory
through the victory of Jesus Christ.

We pray that, wherever your image is still disfigured
by poverty, sickness, selfishness, war, and greed,
the new creation in Jesus Christ may appear
in justice, love, and peace,
to the glory of your name.


Stunning Sunrise

I enjoyed the commute to work this morning, thanks to a stunning sunrise that slowly swept across the entire dome of the cloud speckled sky.  I did regret leaving my DSLR at home, so all the photos in the album below come courtesy of my cell phone’s camera:

Sunrise (Tues 03 April 2012)
Sunrise (Tues 03 April 2012) - Click on photo to see rest of album

Why can’t these types of sunrises (or sunsets) occur on weekends, when I have ample time, equipment and few distractions?

A Fool Walks a Dog

Apollo doesn't read well but I can
Apollo doesn't read well but I can

That fool would be me and the dog would be Apollo (shown at left).  My back did not need to be walked (or pulled by a 90+ pound Rottweiler), but Apollo desperately needed the exercise.  I woke up stiff and still sore, but not as bad as yesterday, during which I spent most of the afternoon and evening either in a recliner or in bed.  I am eternally grateful to Terry for multiple applications of Icy Hot to the affected lower back area, which seems to have helped relieve the pain a bit. Once I’d had a few minutes (well, let’s be honest, more like two hours) to wake up, stretch and compose two blog posts, I had just settled down to continue reading an ebook on my Nook Color, when Apollo looked at me expectantly.  I sighed, slipped on my jeans, tied on my walking shoes, slipped on my sunglasses, grabbed my cell phone and his leash and we headed out the door.


I decided to make this walk very short (especially compared to last Sunday’s hour and a quarter walk).  I thought a tour of the local flora, especially the lilac bushes, would be perfect for a pleasant Sunday morning stroll.  We walked in a slow loop from Olive, north along First Street, east along Nina Street, back south along Second Street, back west on Olive to First Terrace.  Along the way we saw more lilace bushes, lots of tulips in a rainbow of different colors, some phlox and several flowering trees, including red buds and apple trees.

Click photo for entire album
Click photo for entire album

Apollo only caused my back grief once. As we approached First Street Terrace eastbound on Nina Street, a guy was walking a Spitz or Husky, slightly smaller in size than Apollo. Naturally, Apollo wanted to meet this new canine friend, but my back just couldn’t deal with the added stress of restraining all of Apollo’s determined energy. I forced him to sit and held his collar with my right hand while keeping a firm grip on the shortened leash in my left. He whined for a couple of minutes, as did the other dog, while they continued moving westbound on Nina. Apollo behaved better than he did last Sunday, but still needs some work on his obedience training.

We made it back home in about a half an hour.  Apollo got his exercise.  I got to see some spring flowers.  For the rest of the day, this April fool is doing nothing but reading.

Final Sunrise of a Lambish March

March went out softly, like a fluffy puffy lamb yesterday.  I took a series of photographs from my front step landing via the tripod.  Except for the first couple of photos and the last three (which aren’t of the sunrise at all), I didn’t change the position of the camera for probably a half an hour.

Saturday Sunrise
Saturday Sunrise (31 Mar 2012)

Click here to view the entire album.

I set the AWB to the Cloudy setting, remembered to turn the AutoFocus back on and took a couple of initial photos to get oriented.

This sunrise didn’t evolve into anything stunning or spectacular.  Still, not the worst sunrise I’ve ever photographed.

I sat on the front steps, reading the last few pages of Wild Swans, a book I started in early to mid March and the final book I had chosen to read for “Destination: Anywhere” – the Kansas City Public Library‘s Adult Winter Reading program for 2012.  I would read a few paragraphs or a page, and then get up and snap a photo.  The morning atmosphere soothed and calmed me, relaxing me so much while I read, that I nearly forgot about the sunrise.

Once I realized the clouds and sun were not going to do anything amazing, I took a few photos of my neighbors’ flowering trees.  I returned the camera and tripod inside and finished the book just a few minutes later.

March may have left like a lamb, but Mars still hangs in the sky at night smack dab in the middle of Leo, the Lion. I’m looking forward to more planetary observing in April.

Movie Review: Larry Crowne (2011)

Larry Crowne (2011)

3 out of 5 stars

Terry and I watched this early Saturday evening.  A pleasant if unexciting way to spend a couple of hours together.  We laughed out loud several times, so the comedy portion of this romantic comedy worked well.  The romance, however, never really sparkled.

Julia’s performance seemed a bit off, until near the end, and even then left me indifferent.  Tom does well no matter what character he plays.  George Takei just came across as creepy for the most part, but I believe that was the intent.

Venus Tops the Charts, Jupiter Slips Back

I only caught Venus and Jupiter twice this week with my camera.  Between a day trip to Chicago and occasional sporadic thunderstorms, I only caught them Monday and Thursday nights.

The best shot from Monday night included this closeup of the Moon and Venus:

And the best one from Thursday evening:

IMGP2490(Click here for the rest of the album)

The only other remotely astronomical activity I did this week involved a short trip across the Missouri River to Parkville.  My dad and I drove over to window shop at the HMS Beagle store.  Due to a wrenched back, I had to cut our visit short, but I did purchase a nearly waterproof “Guide to the Stars” star-wheel for Terry to use when he visits the hot tub after midnight.  I also picked up a laminated map of the moon, which I left with dad, along with my scope, at his house.

To see what’s up this week, visit Sky & Telescope’sThis Week at a Glance” and for information on observing the five visible planets next month, take a gander at this site.

Spring Sprung, Grass Grew, Trees Bloomed

Apple Blossoms
Apple Blossoms

I left my husband a voice-mail as I left work, asking him to sharpen the mower blade so I could  spend the evening trimming the verge. The front and side yards, I hoped, would be dry enough to mow. The backyard presented thick, lush, tall grass that would take longer to conquer.  As I pulled into the driveway, I saw the mower waiting for me, but as I surveyed the side yard, I realized he had already mowed most of it.  Since the garage door gaped open, I entered through the garage and sought my elusive mate.  Apollo met me on the landing and I found Terry in the kitchen, slicing up the fresh green beans we picked up at the grocery store a few days ago.  I scolded him for mowing, but he insisted he needed the exercise.

We spent the next hour or so crafting a wonderful dinner of home-made chicken friend steak, white gravy and fresh green beans sauteed with some bacon, white onion, garlic and chicken stock.  Tasted divine, but left the kitchen a complete disaster.

We relaxed for a few minutes.  Then I changed into some work clothes and went outside to see if I could get the mower started.  Terry worried it had vapor locked or worse that the plug had fouled, since he couldn’t get it restarted after stopping it to talk to a neighbor.  He instructed me not to prime it before attempting to pull start it.  I tried four or five times without success when he joined me and told me to try priming it.  I primed it and he pulled the rope.  Of course the mower started up for him.

I finished the side yard in about fifteen minutes.  I unlocked the side gate to the back yard and eased the mower through, making sure Apollo didn’t sneak by me and escape to traumatize our neighbors.  Terry kept working on the hot tub, vacuuming it clean, in anticipation of our need to soak later in the evening.  I slowly pushed the mower through the incredibly thick grass up the slight hill to the top of the backyard (the north end) and crept along the privacy fence.  Thirty minutes later I had finished a bit more than half of the back yard, just as the sun set in the west.

Blurry Apple Blossoms
Blurry Apple Blossoms

As I returned through the gate with the now idle mower, I saw the last glimmers of sunlight illuminating the blossoms on our apple tree.  I pulled my cell phone out of my jeans pocket and snapped a few photos, but without the benefit of my reading glasses, I had no idea that the close-ups of the apple blossoms I took would come out blurry.  Oh well, at least the first shot I took (above at the top of this post) came out very well.  I continued on to the garage and put the mower back in it’s neat little area (then I  cleared for last weekend). Terry soon followed and we closed the garage for the night.

I watched an episode of Jeopardy (a couple of days old) in which the $1,000 clue for the Jeopardy round category of ‘Animals in Children’s Books’ referenced Rottweilers.  Here’s the clue:

The title pooch of “Good Dog, Carl” is this breed named for a German place

I knew the answer immediately of course.  None of the contestants guessed correctly, though.

By the time I finished watching one episode of Jeopardy, the clock displayed half past eight o’clock, and ticked inexorably on toward nine, the hour at which my mental faculties reduce themselves to the level of a pumpkin.  I winced my way down the stairs to the laundry room to change into my bathing suit.  I grimaced my way back up the stairs and slipped into the extremely hot water of our outdoor hot tub for a soothing soak.  Terry joined me and I tried to show him some of the constellations currently visible directly overhead.  I could only positively identify three or four, due to some lingering stratus clouds and light pollution.  The moon appeared nearly half-full and Venus and Jupiter still dominated the western sky.  I had remembered to take a few photos with my camera on a tripod earlier, but at that time the clouds had been thicker.  Had I waited just a bit longer, I would have had clearer skies for a better shot.  I’ll post this weeks’ Venus and Jupiter photographs tomorrow morning in my weekly wrap-up of my astronomy observations.

Remembering Roxy: First Trip to the Dog Park

Roxy by backyard fence (May 2006)
Roxy by backyard fence (May 2006)

Another Friday arrives, and another installment in my ‘Remembering Roxy’ blog post series.  Last week I reminisced about one of Roxy‘s nicknames – Bear-Pig, which followed the inaugural post on Roxy’s talent for Circling the Wagons.  This week I decided to focus on Roxy’s first trip to a dog park.  If I remember correctly, this trip occurred before we rescued Apollo.

A friend of ours had suggested taking Roxy to the off-leash dog park at Shawnee Mission Park.  This never occurred to us, being residents of Leavenworth County, more than twenty miles north of the park.  We made a family outing out of it.  Even though the park allowed dogs to roam leash-free, we kept Roxy leashed until we were certain she would behave around other dogs.  She roamed free and played with many other mostly smaller dogs for a few minutes.  Then we put her back on the leash and headed to the beach.

Roxy, and all of our previous Rottweilers, did not care for water or being wet.  Yet Terry thought it would be a good idea to take her down to the beach, where we saw retrievers and labs and Newfoundlands cavorting in the water just off shore.  The shoreline included several large, flat sandstone boulders.  Terry led Roxy up onto one of them, hoping to entice her into a quick dip with the other dogs.   Another dog snuck up behind Roxy, eagerly sniffing her nub of a tail, and accidentally (or intentionally depending on your perspective) goosed her.  Roxy leaped forward landing four-square in the shallow water, almost taking Terry with her for a tumble.  Terry managed to salvage his balance while Roxy just stood there, standing completely still, looking aggrieved and resigned to the fact that she was, indeed, now soaking wet.

We took Roxy back to the field above the lake and let her roam free for a few minutes, mostly in an effort to dry her coat.  As the sun began to set, we returned to our car and made the drive home to Lansing, convinced we would return in the near future for more fun in the sun with an unfettered Roxy.